Tuesday 1 December 2009

Decluttering consumers lives:only need Shu's Products? Fits with trends.


By Ethan Lyon, Senior Writer

Returning to a simpler time is what back to basics is all about—when modesty and humility were valued. Practicality is key to those modifying their daily lifestyle and simple pleasures are cherished now more than ever.

Practicality—Having tons of stuff isn’t practical. It’s fine to have the extras in life–no one’s denying anyone of that–but tons of stuff isn’t fine. Driving around in a military vehicle is the pinnacle of stuff and that’s frankly not cool. We’re going to be making smarter decisions by focusing our purchases on practicality, not unfettered desire.
Minimalism—As we find new ways to go back to basics, we’re going to de-clutter. De-clutter means removing the excesses and useless junk from our lives. In our journey of finding ways to get rid of the excesses, we’re going to re-prioritize what holds value and what can get tossed. It’s our search for cleaner, better lives that gives way to “back to basics”.



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